Abdul Bassit Mohammed Yussif
It is very critical to note a common practice in life, which points to the facts that “the same boiling water that melts the potato eventually softens the egg".

This occasion for me goes a long way to pointing to the effects that a situation that weakens, threatens, and intimidate the masses must certainly be the one that encourages, pushes us and challenge us to rise against all  odds to facing our confrontations headstrong especially when it has promised to be the only guarantee of our collective failures, weakness and humiliation of our proud kingdom – “Nanung”, the only kingdom that defines our unique identity as Nanumbas far important beyond any other selfish and unproductive groupings or identities.

Why then must we not discuss, share our opinions and attempt solutions to our problems which have seriously become a nightmare that has crippled our fortunes and successes as a people? This ridiculous culture of silence got to be ended somehow. May ALLAH AZAWAJAL continue to be our strength and guide at all times by guaranteeing us a clearness of conscience which is geared towards helping our society out of her frustrating woes.

On Tuesday February 20th, 2018, the highest court of adjudication and martyrs of the rule of law, commenced hearing on an all-important case that seeks to define the future of an entire major kingdom as great as Nanung, with the propensity of generating some avoidable heat amongst same people when finalized and possibly giving opportunity to the recalcitrant youths to resort to killings and taking of innocent lives in the contestation that the legal adjudication on the matter and aftermath of the rulings vis-a-vis the law enforcement agencies with all the available coercive powers of state fail woefully in enforcing the law, and people who are supposed to know better in our society not also helping to educate and prepare the minds of the youth on the facts that the rulings of the highest court of the land is the Supreme, and can only be "agreed upon even when one disagrees with the rulings".

I state this as a student of logical deductions and reasoning backed by available intelligence gathered and not a doom wisher or ardent proponent of violence to be preemptive of any possible action after the court has given its verdict in the most likely possibility on the 25th April 2018 date given for it's next hearing on the case.
Let me however put it on records that I am privy to some ongoing efforts made by the leadership of the Nanumba Youth Association led by it's selfless and big hearted President full of patience - Dr. Hafez Adam, who together with other members set an agenda of meeting with almost all ministers associated with security to effectively have a serious consultative meetings with them on matters of the fast worsening trends of security in Bimbilla, especially with  regards to the unfortunate happenings lately and other related events that exposed us to the world as one of the most dangerous places and people to live with in Ghana. How pathetic!

As all of us would have been reading from the updates they provide on their visits upon visits, I think such engagements are necessary and must be commended.

You see, sometimes, you will have no idea how it feels like to miss a penalty being a player on a pitch and scoring the winning goal for a wining bonus, and being a mere spectator watching a match with the outmost desire of seeing your eleven men squad scoring goals for the team and granting you the jubilation as a supporter. You're just a mere supporter, the wining bonuses go to the players who are on the pitch and who represents the entirety of the team with their coaches and other team managers.

My brothers and sisters, it is a high level of intellectual dishonesty, and great disservice to Nanung and a very big insult to our intelligence as a people if we give room for people who have failed to do their research very well on issues, threaten our leaders who are working day in day out and undergo sleepless night when Nanung is at war because of mere rhetorics and ridiculous propaganda in making them irrelevant and highly incapacitated in discharge of their selfless commitments to safeguarding the future of the vulnerable Majority in Nanung and the youth of the land who are yet to appreciate the extent of damage this intra dynastic conflicts in Nanung have caused them and us all as a people.

Why must our loud silence within this green period be a source of concern for some of us? It certainly does because, “people who are not guided by history always live to experience the bitter taste of history. We are Nanumbas, and we have our own history unique and different from all other tribes in the world. We know for a fact that, a pure Nanumba man irrespective of how vulnerable he may be, hates to be disrespected and humiliated and they are capable of putting forward their lives in defiance of what is believed to be right no matter what the consequences that comes in handy provides at stake.

We are a very proud people who are determined to protect our interest which is why our enemies are always scared of our unity - because Nanumbas when United to pursue a common agenda dare the impossible and on the hand surprises the world when they turn against one another, loosing such unique commonality fights to core, as if they were in battle with Satan, the only devil that promises to destroy household, friendship, family ties and relations. Nanung must rise no matter what and that must be triggered by serious actions.

In view of the above, I think we should not be seen celebrating our silence and not accompanying that with vigorous actions - that could be dangerous. We all do not know what the next minute promises for the future of our kingdom and we certainly must not be sleeping no matter the turbulent confrontations affecting us as peace advocates for Nanung in her difficult times. We need to start a public conversation and interactions now.

On this note, I'd wish to commend also the hard works of my uncle Alhaj Aliu - Chief imam of Massaka central mosques and my uncle Alhaj Shani - Chief imam, Kunkuna Central masjid, Alhaj Jibreel, Alhaj Musah Bila and all great Islamic Schorlars in Nanung helping in the interim advocacies towards peace building in the area. Our selfless brother and leader for the Concern Youth Association, Mr. Issahaku Ben Hussein has been phenomenal and deserving our respect and commendation, his team and everyone including SIPEB despite the heat we always allow on the platform for the little efforts we all have been making so far. Not forgetting our political leaders - the MP, the Regional minister and DCE, and our traditional leaders, everyone - ALLAH is watching every effort and will judge us all accordingly. But that is not enough.

This has been cleared, but I must re-echo the facts that, Dr. Adam is the last person who will make any attempts in influencing the judges of the Supreme Court to rule in another group's favour, which is not possible”. If any one of us on this platform and even outside can provide a little evidence to this allegations, some of us will be on the standby to expose him as a dishonorable man who has failed his people woefully and not living up to expectations as a leader of all Nanumbas irrespective of their divisions. Lies, stupid lies, and hatred are not our hallmark. Running people down and as gullible as most of us appear to be, we consume all forms of concocted falsehood propelled by people.

I am not confirming the lies against Dr. Adam alone as leader of Nanung, the same lies were said against Colonel Nantogmah Abdulai, another decent and a great man full of integrity and love for HIS kingdom in relation to this Chieftaincy cases.

How do you get threatened by people's position they have fought and toiled so much to reach by ALLAH'S grace and might? , how do you take delight in running down dignified men of substance who's blessings by ALLAH are blessings to the entire land of Nanung and the kingdom. ALLAH, Lord of the world and everything on earth is watching over us all and HE will deal with anyone who seeks to destroy the kingdom out of their lies and falsehood against selfless sons and daughters of the land. Kanahala, innocent lives are not being destroyed in Nanung today.

Yes, I am writing based on available facts within my reach, and I am prepared to debate anyone who holds a counter view on this, and yes as for those who gets threaten by what they read from me and what they think is my motivation, that's their business and this is the path I have chosen to serve my creator who have destined death and judgment for me after my days on earth. Let's commit ourselves to helping Nanung regardless, ALLAH is watching us all and will judge us based on our intentions.

I think going forward, we need to ask the question of Who are the major players and stakeholders to consider for dialogue and to seek their public commitments to the rulings irrespective of whichever quarters or forms it appears. One would ask who are those to be dealt with?

I think the first people coming in mind are N'y3b Ny3linboligu Naa Yakubu Andani Dasana and Ny3b Sug'lana Issifu Salifu Dawuni, they need to make a public commitments to peace and respect for the outcomes of the Supreme Court rulings for the sake of the vulnerable children and youth, women, and aged who are suffering and forcefully going to sleep at 6:00pm - 6:00 am each day.

This is highly unacceptable and we must think of building a Nanung beyond Curfew.

Apart from this two gentlemen, we need to make it possible for N'y3b Vo'naa and N'y3b Kpatihi Naa to equally make public pronouncements to accepting the outcomes of the rulings as a starting point to our commitments to lasting solutions.

Because we can't continue to spend huge monies in courts paying lawyers when we do not have an ambulance serving our people in the hospital in times of emergencies and still lack portable drinking water and monies for the basic health of our children. The Chieftaincy institution is expected to build the communities with the traditional governance authority and not sabotaging development and progress.

It is supposed to unite and not to divide; it is expected to promote unity of purpose and not selfishness and Greed. Our youth are vacating Bimbilla; prominent citizens are shying away from being identified as Nanumbas. Is that what we want? Let's wake up from our slumber.

These are not the only people; I also think that a chunk of the youth from the two divides have their respected followers, the case of Lawyer Mohammed Attah Nantogmah and Mr. Ahmed Dasana Nantogmah or Alhaj Ibn Shehu or Dr. Danaa Nantogmah. This distinguished men, need to equally make their public commitments to peace to encourage us to do same in order to avoid further blood sheds of productive Nanumbas who could have served the land with pride but the intra dynastic conflicts their lives had to be shortened .

Every important stakeholder must be clearly accorded the needed respect and approach. I believe that , when we have engagements with this sects of people, and they assuring us of peace and their willingness to make sacrifices and compromises for Nanung sake, we shall have our youth returning to Bimbilla, our women living happily, our children not having their education continuously affected, our teachers living without fear and our aged having the free mind to live happily not forgetting our business men and women having the long hours to work together with our farmers producing the foods we eat every day.

My name is Abdul Basit Mohammed Yussif, the Convenor and Spokesperson for the Strategic Initiatives for Peace Building in Nanung, (SIPEB), a Peace advocate and a proud youth of Nanung. May ALLAH AZAWAJAL continue to guide and protect us all and grant Nanung an everlasting unity of purpose amidst our varying differences. Aamin thumma aamin. LET'S START THE VIGOROUS ENGAGEMENTS NOW

My fellow Nanumbas, almost all of us know these are normal practices in land mark cases, the case of the Supreme Court elections case, the two political leaders were made to give public pronouncements and commitments to peace. Justice Atuguba once said “Not everyone can afford the cost of a flight" outside the country. In this case not, all Nanumbas can afford accommodation outside Nanung and for the vulnerable Majority sake we need to think of making sacrifices.

People think, when they say this, and the rulings go to favour some group, then it means they knew how the rulings will go which is why they're proposing that . But ALLAH knows I Abdul Bassit have no single business who is a Bimbilla Naa even if it was a “Gurunga" but for the peace and progress and Nanung, HE knows what is defining our noble intentions and will judge us accordingly.



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