What is Politics? How do you understand the term Politics? Politics they say “is a game of intelligence”. Others ventilate their sentiment on the bases that Politics is very ‘Dark and Dirty’. Upon contemplating on the conceptual term: “Politics”, we believe that to LEAD is to be in LEADERSHIP. And hence, we say politics is a venture, a game, and a place of LEADERSHIP. But having interviewed a couple of substantial political figures in Ghana, divergent personal understanding and views came as a result of years on political practice. In an interview with Madam Eva Loko, the Aspiring Member of Parliament for Klottey-Kolley Consistuency, she strongly claims based on political experience that ‘Politics’ is not ‘Dark’, neither is it not ‘Dirty’, but rather ‘UNPLEASANT’. She strategically prefers to use the word ‘UNPLEASANT’ to define politics. From the mind of the expertise, the unpleasant nature of politics is as a result of ‘insults’ and ‘corruption’. Madam Eva revealed that the intensi...